Enhancing Adaptation Action in Turkey Project

The overall objective of the Project is to build societal resilience by strengthening climate change adaptation, particularly at sector and urban level.

The specific purpose of this Project is to establish an enabling environment for climate change adaptation in Turkey by developing the policy, technical and operational baselines, including (i) better decision-making tools for national climate change adaptation policies, (ii) urban adaptation planning solutions (urban adaptation strategies and action plans), (iii) capacity building and networking activities for climate change adaptation with the EU and the international community, and (iv) a climate change adaptation grant programme to implement climate change adaptation action.

Project has commenced on 09.10.2019. The project duration is 48 months and will be completed on 08.10.2023.

The project has 4 results that will contribute for reaching the specific objective. These results will be complementarily contributing the achievement of Technical Assistance component.

  • Result 1: Better decision-making tools for climate resilient sustainable development are developed.
  • Result 2: Adaptation and resilience planning in urban areas is developed.
  • Result 3: Capacity for climate change adaptation action is developed.
  • Result 4: Operational capacity for climate change adaptation action through a climate change adaptation grant programme (CCAGP) is improved. 



“This website was created and maintained with financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UNDP, It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union”